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Saving data#

Local data storage location#

Please save images to the D: drive1 while following the folder structure D:\Data\$year\$lab\$labmember\$project

Data folder structure

Example project folder location

File naming best practices

  • Avoid spaces and other special characters like !@#$%^&*()
  • Use hyphens - or underscores _ instead of spaces
  • You'll save your future self a headache

Nightly backup#

  • Data will automatically be backed up to a network drive every night around 2AM.

  • You can start the backup script early by double-clicking on a Desktop icon that says "BACKUP-X1..." A black window will pop up and automatically close when finished.

Network drive paths#

Lab Network Path
Kowalczyk \\\labs\Andrew_Kowalczyk_Lab\_instrument-data\NikonX1\
Stahley \\\labs\Sara_Stahley_Lab\_instrument-data\NikonX1\

How else can I get data from this computer?#

  • Use cloud storage (OneDrive or Google Drive).
  • Do not connect flash drives.

  1. Never the C: drive!